Be in control of your family’s health and nutrition

Good nutrition is essential for a healthy life. Right! But what is good nutrition?

With all the new researches and trends and diets coming up every day, it is becoming difficult to make the right food choices. However, what we do know is that good nutrition comes from a balanced diet!

A balanced diet is one which consists of a variety of foods like whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products and animal proteins. This ensures that your body gets the required amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to work effectively. 

Without proper nutrition, your body is more prone to disease, fatigue, infections and low performance. In children, this may lead to poor academic performance, frequent illnesses and issue in mental and physical development.

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However, it can be quite stressful to juggle the millions of other things that you have to do and the nutritional needs and likes/dislikes of each member of your family – from toddlers to teens, plus mom and dad! We have got you covered to an extent with something that your family loves to eat.. Rice!!

Each serving of Royal Aroma Fortified Rice will give you at least 15% of your daily requirement of iron, zinc and Vitamin B3, B6, B9 and B12. 

Cook yummy meals with your Royal Aroma Fortified Rice

Minced Meat Fried Rice


Creamy Rice Pudding

Special Jollof Rice

Butter Braised Rice

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Video Library

Watch to know more about rice fortification
Roaming with Nana Ama McBrown and Royal Aroma Fortified- Streets Strongest!
Roaming with Nana Ama McBrown and Royal Aroma Fortified- Dance Edition

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